SPTW Categories

The English Chess Federation (ECF) publishes their rapidplay and slowplay grades every January and July. You can search for your daughter’s grade here: http://ecfgrading.org.uk/new/menu.php

Girls get an ECF grade by playing in live tournaments. These do not include school chess club games, as they are not graded with the ECF. 

Online ratings e.g. on lichess.org website are also a different measure of rating. This is not currently being used within the SPTW framework but may be used in the future. 

Name Description
A+ Squad- Girls with ECF Grade above 160
A Squad- Girls with ECF Grade above 130
B Squad- Girls with ECF Grade between 91 and 129
C Squad- Girls with ECF Grade between 51 and 90
Dolphin Squad- Primary School girls with a grade of ECF 50 or below, or Ungraded
Deer Squad- Secondary School girls with a grade of ECF 50 or below, or Ungraded
Beginner 2- Know how the pieces move, know the rules, can play a basic game, but have no chess tournament experience. May also lack confidence to get involved in tournaments (either online or in live tournaments).
Beginner 1- Completely new to chess, don’t know how the pieces move or have any chess knowledge.